the BLARE FOUNDATION is a 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization
V. IEP Navigational Tools
Welcome to our resource section on navigating the Individual Education Program, IEP, process. Although each IEP is unique based on your child’s individual educational needs, this section provides useful tools to help you navigate the system more easily.
Section 1: The IEP process comes with its own language so section 1 provides you with definitions and acronyms that make that language understandable. (Provide a link to the language definitions/language)
Section 2: This section has IEP process flow charts. First, there is an overall chart of the entire IEP process from evaluation to service identification and the individual legal form. Second, there is a flow chart of the IEP meeting. Third, there’s a questionnaire you can use to ask questions and take notes.
Section 3: Finally, this section provides you with resource links of IEP professionals.
Diverse Learner Key Vocabulary:
Accommodations: Adjustments made to ensure each student has an equal opportunity to access and show knowledge of information, may include: extra time, movement breaks, smaller group size, peer note-taking, adult read test items
Assessments: Means of evaluating student knowledge, tests, or work samples…..
Assistive technology: Tools used to assist students who need modifications based on their disability such as IPADS, computers, motorized wheelchairs, larger print
Common core standards: The nationally determined goals for all students divided into 4 key areas: speaking/listening/communication; reading; writing; math
Confidentiality: Accessibility of information on each child is confined to team members or individuals working with the child who “need to know” for educational purposes
Demographics: Identifying information such as Name, address, phone number
Domain: Brief meeting held before a 3 year re-evaluation or an initial meeting to identify assessment areas (ways information will be gathered)
ESY: Extended school year
Goals: Areas on which the team will be working, such as reading, writing, math, communication
IEP: Individual education plan, your child’s individualized yearly plan developed by their unique team. The IEP includes the yearly focus for your child.
LRE: Least Restrictive Environment, where your child will be taught, options include amount of time with general education peers, best placement for your child
TEAM: The individuals working with your student to ensure they receive the skill training and support they need to be successful learners, Each team is unique!